Replacement of luminaries and implementation of intelligent system for management and monitoring of street lighting in the town of Sredets, Sredets Municipality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Sredets Municipality(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Veilyskompetanse AS(NO)

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The scope of the project includes activities for the implementation of energy efficiency measures at a site: "Replacement of luminaires and introduction of an intelligent system for management and monitoring of street lighting in Sredets, Sredets municipality", including: 1. Construction works and delivery of equipment for implementation of energy saving measures, according to the report on energy audit of street lighting: Energy Efficient Measures to Reduce Street Light Energy Costs: Replacing old and damped street lighting systems with new ones; Delivery and installation of LED lighting for street lighting; Implementation of a street lighting management and monitoring system; The main project''s goal is to improve the energy efficiency and of the quality of life in Sredets municipality through the rehabilitation and modernization of outdoor artificial lighting systems in the town of Sredets. Specific goals: 1. To reduce energy and maintenance costs for street lighting. 2. To improve the living conditions of the population and the attractiveness of the municipality 3. To strengthen bilateral relations and partnership with the donor country and to increase the expertise of the municipal administration in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy management. Expected results: - Provided better living conditions for the population of the municipality and increased the safety of traffic of motor vehicles and citizens, as a direct result of the modernized street lighting - Estimated annual reductions in CO2 emissions - 521,96 tCO2 - Reduced electricity costs for street lighting - Estimated annual cash savings, according to Energy Efficiency Survey - 73 676,36 BGN incl. VAT. - Strengthened bilateral relations and enhancing the expertise of municipal administration by conducting 2 round-tables and a study visit in Bulgaria and Norway. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.