The cultural world reaches everyone

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Our World(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Secondary School "Saint Saint Kiril and Metodii" Ignatievo(BG)
Secondary School "Saint Saint Kiril and Metodii" Sindel(BG)


The project presents an interdisciplinary approach to informing the general public about the culture and art of ethnic minorities with a focus on Roma from Northeast Bulgaria and it aims at two target groups of 200 young people, direct beneficiaries, from two settlements-Sindel and the town of Ignatievo in Varna District. The project includes 10 teachers and 5 artists, professionals in various genres of art. It will stablish creative workshops for theatrical mastery, oratory and poetry, music and stage dances, design and scenography, as well as photography and applied arts, where the target group will be trained and the created cultural products will be included in the Traveling Festival "My world is yours". Performative performance "I am - I can", created by professional artists and the target group, will recreate in a new, original way St. George''s Day, which is important for the Bulgarian and Roma community, using the means of expression of various arts for prepared by the target group within the creative workshops. All works of children and artists will be arranged at an audio-visual exhibition in the regional city of Varna. During this exhibition the short film "My world is yours" about the work process, the work of young people in interests, their experiences will be presented. The equipped radio stations in the partner schools  will promote the results. The young people will be trained in media culture, informing themselves about their identity and cultural values. The project includes organizing a conference on “Identity and audiences : the cultural world reaches all" for scientific analysis of the achievement of project goals. The presented reports will be formed in a collection of scientific articles as a cultural product of the project. The project will revive the cultural life in these small settlements, will put the ethnic group in the focus of the search of the cultural and scientific circles for a new alternative audience.

Summary of project results

The main goal of the project is related to informing about the cultural values ​​of the Roma population in a small settlement in the Varna region - the village of Sindel, where they make up 90% of the population. The collaboration of professional artists with Roma youth, through the means of the arts, should facilitate social, cultural and ethnic understanding.

New cultural events were created through the synthesis of theater, music, dance and audiovisual arts and original forms of self-expression of children and youth from the Roma ethnic group. The project experimented with new spaces as action scenes of cultural products, using small streets of the village and the Roma neighborhood, turning neglected corners into areas for cultural exchange, aiming at an artistic appearance of shaping the living environment. A new model was created for the involvement of new young audiences from ethnic minorities in the local cultural life was created. The creativity and attitudes of young people from small settlements were revealed, artistic skills were formed through workshops and creative activities. For media literacy of the target group, a student radio was established in the partnering school with a focus on the topics of cultural diversity and acceptance of the "different".  The Traveling Festival "My World is Yours" had a cultural, educational, social and entertaining purpose for children and adults from ethnic minorities, Roma, and will present the St. George''s Day holiday, celebrated by local communities, in a new way.

The project reached the target group, namely the Roma youth from a small settlement in North-Eastern Bulgaria - Sindel village (Avren Municipality). The  results are: increasing their self-confidence for personal and cultural growth, giving them the opportunity to express their abilities and acquire competences related to professions in the media sector.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.