Project facts

Project promoter:
Drama- Puppet Theater ""Ivan Dimov""(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Frumlitir ehf(IS)
Other Project Partners
Alliance for Regional Cooperation and Development(BG)


The project proposal Stage At The End of Town has been developed in full compliance with the objectives of the EEA FM 2014-2021 to establish broad cooperation between organizations from donor countries and Bulgaria to reduce economic and social disparities in Europe. Perceiving culture as a driver for local and regional development, organizations from Bulgaria and Iceland come together, focusing on the development of international cultural cooperation and promoting diversity in culture and arts, through the development of audiences and the involvement of people in different cultural, educational and information activities. The foreseen activities include implementation of various artistic and creative events, festivals, performances and initiatives, in order to attract and engage new audiences, which will revitalize peripheral spaces and inspire life in smaller settlements, incl. 1. A plan for attracting audiences and training of expert personnel of Drama- Puppet Theater "Ivan Dimov" and ARCD, thus ensuring sustainable development of audiences and widening the spectrum of people participating in the cultural events of the theater; 2. Student Theater Festival "P.S. Theater, I love you! ”- an unique event in the field of theater arts; 3. Stage Artist - Forum and exchange of experience for cultural operators and visual artists from Bulgaria and Iceland; 4. ART- shop - training in cultural entrepreneurship; 5. Rock Zone 29 on the road or the rehearsal tour, during which a new musical production will be created featuring the main characters of young people, aged under 29, with interests in art. Project organization and management activities are also envisaged, as well as information and communication measures aimed at informing the general public and stakeholders about project development, as well as creating a product related to project characteristics, sustainability and results.

Summary of project results

The main goal of the ''Stage At The End of Town'' project is to establish culture as a driver for local and regional development with focus on international cultural cooperation and promotion of diversity in culture and arts. This is to be achieved via various artistic and creative events, festivals, performances and initiatives. The project would attract and engaged new audiences and would be crucial for the revitalization of peripheral spaces to brighten the life in smaller settlements.

The main activities under the project were the Student Theater Festival "P.S. Theater, I love you!”, the Stage Artist - Forum, exchange of experience between cultural operators and visual artists from Bulgaria and Iceland, as well as the training in cultural entrepreneurship and the creation of new musical production by professionals for non-professionals with the participation of young people under the age of 29 with interests in the field of art.

The project successfully contributed to improving the conditions and the quality of presentation of the rich cultural heritage in its diversity at both local and regional level. The project''s various initiatives had a vast impact in the town of Haskovo and the region. The ''Stage At The End of Town'' revitalised new spaces in the periphery of the town and will sustain in the future. The promoter Drama-Puppet Theater "Ivan Dimov" will continue to develop most of the activities of the project in the future.

Summary of bilateral results

Within the project the ''Stage Artist - Forum'' was conducted in Reykjavik together with the partner from Iceland - Frumlitir - to exchange experience for representatives of cultural institutes – artistic directors of theaters and operas, and visual artists from Bulgaria and Iceland (painters, photographers, animators, etc.). This gave the opportunity for Bulgarian and Islandic artists to present their activities and good practices.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.