Book paths and Mobile libraries from Bulgarian Northwest to Scandinavia

Project facts

Project promoter:
""Mihalaki Georgiev"" Regional Library(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
"Hristo Botev" Regional Library(BG)


The Project ‘Book Trails and Mobile Libraries from the Bulgarian Northwest to Scandinavia’ aims to unite the efforts of the Regional Libraries “Mihalaki Georgiev” (from the town of Vidin, Bulgaria) and “HristoBotev” (from the town of Vratsa, Bulgaria) and the associated Norwegian partner “NorsensusMediaforum” (from Oslo) in the mission of creating an innovative and attractive form of access to outdoor culture and art. The project aims to increase the attractiveness of library services by reaching out to audiences locally. It will apply original methods in cultural entrepreneurship in neglected urban areas and help population with limited resources to access cultural products, including representatives of the minority communities.

The project intends to develop an innovative digital platform called “BOOK.IT” in three languages (Bulgarian, English and Norwegian), through which contemporary authors will be able to be presented to a wide range of readers.

The project also intends to develop a new cultural and information product called “Traveling Literary Scene – in the sun and in the shade” that aims to overcome the spatial boundaries in the distribution, presentation and promotion of literary works of contemporary authors to audiences in an innovative way outside of the urban centers.

The project will also include an exchange of literary practices between librarians from Bulgaria and Norway, as well as an international workshop on Diversification of Cultural Information Services and Sustainable Audience Development.

Summary of project results

The attractiveness of library services for the local audiences with original methods in cultural entrepreneurship was the main goal of this project.  Developing a strategy for sustainable engagement of audiences through innovative library services was very important, especially in neglected urban areas where the population has  limited resources to access cultural products, including representatives of minority groups.
Under the project the BOOK.IT digital platform in three languages - Bulgarian, English and Norwegian was created, and an innovative cultural attraction “Travelling Literary Scene” was launched. The project included an exchange of literary practices between librarians from Bulgaria and partners from Norway, as well as an international workshop on Diversification of Cultural Information Services and Sustainable Audience Development.
One of the key goals of the project was the creation of a landmark-art installation called "Book Fjords" which provoked audiences and brought together artists, designers, art managers, readers, writers from Bulgaria and Norway to debate the positive effects of reading and initiated a public discussion of ideas, concepts for developing reading skills with comprehension and aiming at stimulating emotional intelligence.

According to the project, 2 electric library buses were purchased, equipped and branded. They travel on the territory of the two regional cities, cover remote neighborhoods and small settlements with main goal to enrich library services for children, youth and adults. A number of events and special routes (15) were conducted under the project and they gave the opportunity both new books and contemporary authors from Bulgaria and Norway to be acknowledged. The main activities included an exchange of good practices and know-how for the development of audiences in Norway and Bulgaria, holding an international workshop "Diversification of cultural and information services and sustainable development of audiences" and organizing and conducting a demonstration of land-artistic installation: Book fjords.

The online platform created in 3 languages ​​– Bulgarian, English and Norwegian ( gives everyone the opportunity to have free access to information about Bulgarian and Scandinavian authors, articles on literature and other thematic information. This interactive cultural and information network for access to new contemporary literary publications and exchange of information in the field of literature, stimulated the building of societies around cultural products and services, consists of several main sections: "Authors", "Articles", "Calendar" , "Galleries", "Project" and is extremely easy to be navigated and provides information about the authors and their books, as well as the opportunity for free discussions and exchange of information about the project, activities, events, produced products and more.
The "Book Fjords" activity directly contributes to the achievement of the goals and indicators of the Programme by creating an innovative cultural event and attracting a new audience, presenting the achievements of Bulgarian and Norwegian authors and creating prerequisites for the construction of a sustainable model for marketing new works.
The main goal achieved was to attract a wide audience and increase opportunities to reduce the isolation of suburban areas and small settlements, provide access to modern culture and art, and last but not least introduce a new interpretation of traditional themes - reading books and communication between generations, between ethnicities, professional and creative communication.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.