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Open call DGVBF01 is focused on bilateral relations for establishing and development of the partnership - Support of organisations promoting equality between women and men and work life balance.
Multiple Promoters: Holes DISTINKT Consultancy (DGVBF01-01), Aj Ty v IT (DGVBF01-02) and Inštitút ľudských práv (DGVBF01-03)
The number of applications submitted: 6
The number of applications supported: 3
The number of applications declined: 3
The number of partnerships from Norway: 5
The number of people traveled: 7
The number of bilateral meetings: 3
Summary of the results
The bilateral initiatives within the SK-DOMESTIC programme lead to in the following potential results:
DGVBF01-01 and DGVBF01-02 - Within the first two bilateral initiatives has been no project application submitted to the Programme Operator.
DGVBF01-03 - The Partners within the bilateral initiative are in an active partnership as a project application has been submitted within the Call DGV01.
The contact between the Norway and Slovakia was deepened and the possibilities for further cooperation within the fields of Gender equality, Family policies and Combating Violence in close relations were explored. It is foreseen to continue in a project developed under the scheme DGV01. Initiatives represented a meetings concerning project work, best practices and future cooperation with the partners.