Re-imaging and co-creating the city from my window

Bilateral initiative facts

The Polytechnic University of Timisoara(RO)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
University College for Green Development (HGUt)(NO)
Programme areas:


Main objective: to re-promote and co-create a ECC with the help of young people (future engineers, architects, etc.) with a focus on sustainable, modern green city development.
Main activities:
• Organizing bilateral visits to strengthen inter-institutional relations, as well as preparing the events mentioned in the application and the brochure.
• Promoting of the Timisoara European capital of Culture 2023
• Preparation of course materials focused on photos, digital culture, urban planning, urban ecosystems
• Organization of a course for 24 participants; the course will be structured in 6 topics

Summary of the results

Bilateral visits were organized  to strengthen inter-institutional relations, as well as the preparation of the  events included in the application. 

Both during the bilateral meetings and during the duration of the other events (course, international workshop) sessions were allocated to promote the "Timișoara European Capital of Culture 2023" process through dedicated presentations, Also, a brochure was published which contains a section about the program. 

The training course mentioned in the application was organized for 24 participants (former students, students, teenagers, future engineers, architects, land planners, etc.). 

An international (hybrid) conference was held on October 13, 2023.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.