Social NET – Networking for knowlEdge Transfer and Social Inclusion

Bilateral initiative facts

Concordia Humanitarian Organisation(RO)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
Programme areas:


The project aims at building on partners’ experiences in working with vulnerable young people and social field professionals devoted to youth work, to facilitate networking, sharing and transfer of knowledge and good practices for enhancing capacity and sustainability of actions. Direct beneficiaries: 16 practitioners and supervisors from Romania and other 10 social field professionals from Norway. In Concordia practitioners may access support services like supervision, professional coaching and mentorship, sometimes with great results. Therefore, it is a great learning opportunity for both

Summary of the results

The purpose of the project was to build on the experiences of the partners in youth work and in offering support services to social field professionals who work directly with young people. Through the project have been created networking contexts and moments of sharing and transferring knowledge among the participants in order to support capacity building and sustainability of actions implemented by both organizations. The project activities included two learning mobilities addressed to social field professionals, supervisors, mentors, trainers – all staff and collaborators of Concordia Humanitarian Organization. The first learning mobility was organized with 8 Romanian social field professionals. The mobility focused on the exchange of experiences and practices in youth work, as well as on differences and similarities regarding the integration of vulnerable youth. The second learning mobility was organized with 8 supervisors, coach and trainers. Impact on participants is given by the increased level of knowledge regarding similarities and differencies between the two social systems, sharing of experiencies regarding youth work and perspectives on how to use various methods and instruments in youth work, better understanding what type of measures can be adopted/adapted in supporting practitioners working with vulnerable categories. The project ended with an online conference to present the results achieved and to share experiences. 44 participants registered to the event.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.