FBR/07 - ​Portugal and Iceland: investigating biodiversity and world changes together

Bilateral initiative facts

PÚBLICO Comunicação Social SA(PT)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (Hafrannsóknastofnun)(IS)
Rannsóknastöðin Rif (Rif Field Station)(IS)
Southwest Iceland Nature Research Centre (Náttúrustofa Suðvesturlands)(IS)
University of Iceland(IS)


Interview and get to know the work of six Portuguese scientists who are developing research projects in Iceland, related to biodiversity and the changes the climate and the natural world are facing. In doing so, we expect to contribute helping our readers to understand how this changes are affecting us all and, also, how collaborative work between different countries, scientists and research facilities are essential to develop this kind of scientific knowledge, so important to the future of us all.

Getting to know their specific work with the different species and, in some cases, their response

Summary of the results

The main objective of the project was to allow the public to know the bilateral realtions between Portugal and Iceland, on a scientific level, related with biodiversity and the climate changes. This would be done through a partnership with Icelandic scientific institutions where Portuguese scientists are working. We proposed travelling to Iceland and interviewing each one of this scientists, divulgating the work they are doing. After the voyage, the results obtained in Iceland would be translated into journalistic work, with the components of text, photography and video. By doing so, we expected to reach a vast audience, that would include not only the general public but also decision makers (political and others) and the scientific and academic communities, including students who might see in these works a possibility of future for them. Simultaneously, we hoped to open a communication door with our partners in Iceland, which will allow us, in the future, to have batter access to the work they develop and their results.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.