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The bilateral initiative aims to add to the “Reaching Out to Close the Border: The Transnationalization of Anti-Immigration Movements in Europe (MAM)” project, the Portuguese case to its analysis. MAM looks at contemporary European anti-immigration movement in Germany, Italy, Poland, Norway and the UK, analyzing their transnational dynamics and its impact on their national migration agendas. As studies on anti-immigrant movements in Portugal are scant, it will open the research field within the national agenda. Cies-Iscte, will be responsible for the management tasks and for conducting the
Summary of the results
During the project''s 2 year duration, several activities were undertaken, including 2 study visits to NO and 2 to PT. In Lisbon, was organized 2 seminars discussing anti-immigration mobilizations in PT, a session tailored for doctoral students on scientific outreach to diverse audiences, providing tools and strategies for effective science communication, and a policy briefing session engaging policymakers, civil society associations, and experts in discussions on anti-immigration movements in PT and Europe. The project team conducted innovative data collection through in-depth interviews with key informants, encompassing both anti-immigration activists and experts in right-wing topics in PT. This approach provided valuable insights into the dynamics of anti-immigration mobilizations in the country. Some insights can be found in the article “Ativismo anti-imigração e extrema-direita na Europa: entrevista com Kristian Berg Harpviken” in the journal Tempo Social at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Beyond fieldwork, Other activities, was the development and launch of the podcast "Particularidades e Controvérsias: Mobilizações e discursos anti-imigração em Portugal e na Europa," consisting of four episodes covering different dimensions of migration in the European context. Additionally, the project organized 2 episodes of the Science Slam, titled "A história por trás de uma ideia inovadora," where the project''s main ideas and developments were presented in an engaging format.