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The aim of the initiative is to stimulate the green transition in PL and NO by demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of using biowaste for biogas production in the Municipal Functional Region Tomaszów Mazowiecki-Opoczno (MOFTMO) and lay the groundwork for scaling-up in other regions.
Activities (Months (M): 1-12):
- Map local stakeholders and identify best practices in biowaste collection, biogas production, and barriers to their implementation;
- Work with MOFTMO authorities (accepted the proposal of cooperation in the project implementation), as well as a range of stakeholders to do a
Summary of the results
The implementation of the project has contributed to the dissemination of knowledge on green transition, including energy transition in Poland and Norway. Biogas, seen as a renewable energy source, has significant potential for energy production. Both Poland and Norway have a huge potential for biogas production using different substrates, which is not fully exploited. Catalogues containing good practice examples of biogas production and bio-waste collection from Poland, Norway and other European countries were published on the project website, while selected practices were presented during the webinar. The stakeholder mapping of the functional areas carried out during the workshops and during the course of the project identified problems that hinder networking between substrate suppliers from different sectors, biogas plants and consumers of fermentation products (energy and digestate). The examples of biogas production solutions presented during the study visits were used to propose concrete measures in the pre-feasibility study, which, together with the conclusions, was submitted to MOFTMO representatives.
The joint work of the Polish and Norwegian partners has made it possible to broaden the perspective of both partners and stakeholders in the biogas sector from both countries on existing solutions, opportunities and constraints for realising potential in Poland and Norway. The willingness of the partners to cooperate further was confirmed by a signed letter of intent.