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Initiative activities will comprise of a desk research and follow up conversations on the programs and initiatives in search for the ''good practices'' in inter-generational learning in Norway. NOVA team will identify relevant initiatives. The researchers will be in regular contact with the NFP (PL) in a form of knowledge transfer and co-production, to discuss whether the characteristics of the selected initiatives are relevant. The work will result in a delivery of a comprehensive report listing the ‘good practices’ in inter-generational learning. The report will have an additional value of a
Summary of the results
Results reached in the course of the initiative concerned: (a) conducting desk research for formulation a background and context of the study, as well as for identifying the searchable inter-generational activities in Norway, (b) developing a contact list and building a contact data base of relevant actors in the field of inter-generational activities, (c) conducting a survey using the contact list among relevant stakeholders, (d) conducting follow up interviews with experts working with inter-generational initiatives in Norway, (d) data analysis (e) in depth focused searches of the identified activities (f) writing up a final Report good practices'' in inter-generational learning in Norway.