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The aim of the project is to improve understanding of the relationship between migration and development in order to suggest more effective policies for addressing root causes of migration. There is a widespread perception that development is the best way to stop mass migration from Global South to Europe. Yet the relationship between the two is more complex – rising incomes and growing economies can both hamper as well as facilitate emigration from developing countries. We need to better understand this relationship to design and implement development cooperation policy that address real root
Summary of the results
All activities were carried out and the expected quantitative results were achieved. The project published 9 analytical papers in the form of Policy Paper and Strategic File, as well as the Final Report. Some of the publications were the result of joint efforts of PISM and NUPI experts, 2 texts were prepared by NUPI experts, 3 by PISM analysts and one analysis was prepared by the external author. There were 9 international expert seminars prepared jointly by NUPI and PISM, mostly organised in online or hybrid format. In addition, the tenth expert discussion was the final seminar, summarising the whole project and promoting the final report. The project carried out one field trip (in January 2020 to Bangladesh, to the Rohingya refugee camps) and two online interviews (in December 2021) as part of the research. Two study visits of the PISM team to Norway were organised (in December 2019 and December 2021), and Norwegian partners visited Warsaw twice (in September 2019 and November 2021). The study visits and seminars were also an opportunity to expand and strengthen cooperation with new Norwegian partners (e.g. with Fafo, PRIO, CMI, CPS Arctic University) - in line with the project assumptions of knowledge sharing between Polish and Norwegian institutions. The main deliverable of the project is the preparation and publication of the final report in the form of the PISM report entitled: "Development aid and root causes of migration: a risky road to unsustainable solutions".