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The Co-Adapt project aims to create new models of social integration that will help create an integrated community in the EU, capable of overcoming the new challenges of adapting cities to CC. These challenges relate to the formation of environmental conditions in neighbourhood scale as improving microclimate, water management as well as social conditions and clean energy. The proposed project complements Co-Adapt with solutions for low-cost waste-to-energy from biomass. Such activities are implemented in Poland and Ukraine by obtaining biomass of agricultural origin, although in Sweden, for
Summary of the results
The result of the work done by the Ukrainian scientist is the development of bio-waste utilization models with software that will ensure the determination of a rational biogas plant configuration for residential areas. The models are based on the use of machine learning algorithms to predict the amount of biogas production from municipal organic waste, forming the basis for an efficient, sustainable and dynamic biogas production system that maximizes household benefits and minimizes environmental impact.1.The relationships between the functional indicators of the system of bioenergy production from organic waste in residential areas and the rational configuration of the biogas plant were identified 2. An analysis of the assessment of the state of organic waste production by households based on passive observations and analysis of statistical data was carried out, taking into account qualitative models for forecasting their production.3.Models and methods were developed to assess the relationship between functional indicators of bioenergy production systems from organic waste based on the use of system analysis and mathematical modeling methods. 4. Application software was developed to predict functional, economic and environmental performance indicators of bioenergy production systems from organic waste in residential areas.5 Co-Adapt''s ‘Neighborhood with Climate’ game was completed with the solution of the estate biogas plant.