IceMan_UA: Anti-icing sustainable solutions by development and application of icephobic coatings - UA

Bilateral initiative facts

Bilateral initiative number:
PL-Applied Research-BI002
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
OtherScheme: Support for Ukrainian researchers under Bilateral Fund of ‘Applied Research’ Programme
Programme areas:


The Action and its results are fully complementary with the project as they extend its range and provide for additional activities aimed at better understanding and exploiting the results achieved:
• The activities scheduled enable the extension of the ice wind tunnel testing plan by 100-200% (from 5-10 samples to 20+).
• Additionally, they provide for testing icephobic properties of 10-15 samples after their exposure to the aging and salt spray chamber, an activity that was not planned in the project.
These activities will be of high added value, especially taking into consideration the lack of

Summary of the results

The Action was focudes on 3 tasks: Icephobic properties, Coatings durability and Evaluation of anti-icing performance/analysis of potential funding sources for achieving higher TRLs. As a result of activities:

- 30 samples of coatings were selected based on the previous tests results.
- Spraying method was applied for deposition of coating on the surface of NACA0012 profiles and flat samples dedicated for tests in icing wind tunnel and ice adhesion tests as well for aging tests.
-Tests in icing wind tunnel were conducted using three different temperatures of the process namely -5, -10 and -15°C with constant wind speed of 30m/s and the same MVD and LWC. 3 measurements for each sample were conducted.
- The ice adhesion to the coatings were measured using developed methodology and special holders adjusted to tensile test machine. Minimum 5 samples of each material (30 samples) were prepared for this tests and freezed in -10°C. Tests indicated in the case of some chemical modifications even 50% of decrease in ice adhesion comparing to reference samples.
-Aging tests were conducted in two aging chambers: (i) exposition to UV light for 500h, (ii) icing and deicing cycles (-20°C÷40°C). Wettability tests and ice adhesion tests indicated no significant changes in durability in the results of carried tests.

-The potential application areas for the developed coatings were analysed and the most promising one identified.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.