Experience exchange visit to Barnahus in Latvia and Barnahus in Iceland, as an introduction to practice

Bilateral initiative facts

Latvian Ministry of Welfare(LV)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
Icelandic National Agency for Children''s Rights
Republic of Iceland Borgartún 21
105 Reykjavík(IS)


Two visits are planned as part of the initiative:

1. From 02.10. - 06.10.2023. are planned 3 Icelandic representatives experience exchange visit to Latvia (Riga). Participants of the delegation will be the representatives from the Children''s House of the Icelandic State Inspectorate for the Protection of Children''s Rights. The aim of the visit:
 - experience exchange program implemented to improve work at the Children''s House;
 - experience exchange lectures and attendance at the international annual conference of the Dardedze center. 
Icelandic delegation will visit Latvia for 5 days

Summary of the results

Representatives of the Iceland Children''s house visited the Latvian Children''s house, where participants shared their experience of the principles and knowledge of Barnahus activities, became acquainted with the legal aspects and experience in ensuring interrogation of children, including taking into account the age of children, as well as learned about ensuring rehabilitation processes for children victims of violence. During the visit, Latvian representatives attended an international conference on children''s rights organized by the Iceland Children''s Rights Agency, as well as Latvian representatives presented their presentation on the creation of a Children''s house in Latvia.

During this bilateral initiative, cooperation with the institution of Donor country and Latvia was established. Bilateral exchange contacts were established and long-term cooperation with representatives of the Iceland Children''s house and of the Icelandic police were established, as well as exchange of good practice and knowledge between specialists and cooperation partners working in the Iceland Children''s house and Latvia''s Children''s house was facilitated.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.