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In 2018 six bilateral activities took place in Latvia, Ukraine and Norway, including international seminars for Norway Grants programme operators, meetings, participation in international conference and experience exchange visit. These activities were aimed at strengthening establishment of bilateral cooperation strategy, as well as information, experience and good practice exchange between the donor state and programme operators from 6 European states, namely, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. During these activities, two international workshops of the Norway
Summary of the results
Practical matters were discussed on implementation of NFM 2014–2021 period programmes in Latvia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, as well as an attraction of partners. Programme "Correctional services" was presented and experience and best practice of Latvia introduced on the improvement of the correctional system with co-operation with donor state. There was a discussion held on international cooperation prospects between correctional services in Latvia, Norway and other countries where NFM is being implemented. During the conference, discussions took place and achievements in the previous NFM periods were addressed, as well as the introduction of an electronic monitoring system to facilitate experience exchange on alternative sanctions in Ukraine. Bilateral cooperation was established with representatives of Ukraine correctional services regarding opportunities for experience exchange.