More information
Visit of Norwegian experts to Latvia to meet with the target group and participate in an interview on following fields: democracy / politics; media literacy; the rule of law; national economy, civic participation.
Implementation of activity - "Radio cycle promoting participation in Parliament elections on Kurzeme Radio” (8 radio broadcasts) - Norwegian experts preparation of the cycle element “Fiord Stories” – on Norwegian politics and democracy experience.
* sharing good experience of Norwegian NGO.
* the civic competencies of Kurzeme/ Zemgale region individuals will be
Summary of the results
Norwegian experts visit to Latvia, during which they met the target group and participated in interviews on the following areas: democracy/politics; media literacy; rule of law; public economy, civic participation.
The activity included a radio series on Kurzemes Radio about the parliamentary elections (8 radio programmes). Norwegian experts prepared short stories on Norwegian politics and democratic experience for the radio programmes "Fiord Stories".
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