More information
More than 20,000 children from Ukraine have arrived in Lithuania since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. They need an education.
The biggest problem is that a very large number of Ukrainian children won’t get a quality education being in Lithuanian classes without knowing the Lithuanian language. At the same time, Lithuanian teachers often do not have the possibility or relevant experience to ensure their full inclusion in the educational process and provide them an opportunity to gain knowledge.
Most Ukrainian children will return to Ukraine as soon as possible, but while they are here, it
Summary of the results
- 20 Lithuanian school teams took part in the teachers’ capacity building programme;
- Competencies of Ukrainian and Lithuanian educators in inclusive education, diversity management, and democratic education were strengthened (60 participants);
- Capacity building learning/training events for schools took place (10 trainings and 1 camp);
- Practical recommendations for municipalities and schools on how to ensure the smooth inclusion of Ukrainian children into the learning process were prepared and introduced to their target audience (2 recommendation documents);
- Promotional / information activities were organized (2 articles published, 1 promotional event organized, 500 people reached by promotional / information activities);
- Competencies for the implementation of inclusive education strategies were improved (share of participants reporting improved knowledge /methods /approaches not less than 20%).