Matchmaking and launching event of the Baltic Research Programme

Bilateral initiative facts

Ministry of Education and Research - Estonia(EE)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Matchmaking event
Ministry of Education and Science(LV)
National Agency for International Affairs(LI)
Reserch Council of Lithuania(LT)
The Research Council of Norway(NO)
Programme areas:

More information


Match-making event and launching the call for Baltic Research Programme, held in Tallinn in October 25, 2018. Travel grants for donor states researchers were offered to participate in the event. Also accommodation and catering were covered from this budget.

Summary of the results

At the Launching and Matchmaking event, part of programme was dedicated to the introduction of programme from different point of views (PO, RCN, Programme Committee, Project Promoters, in addition welcoming addresses by the leaders of MoER, ETAG and Norwegian Embassy in Tallinn). Second part was targeted to the matchmaking to enable the researchers from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway have some networking. Interest towards this event was big and the available seats were filled before deadline. Total number of participants was around 250 (approx. 130 from Estonia, 70 from Latvia, 30 from Lithuania, 20 form Norway).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.