Study visit - Vocational Education and Training in Liechtenstein

Bilateral initiative facts

Czech National Agency for International Education and Research(CZ)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
AIBA - Agency for International Education Affairs
Programme areas:


The Programme Operator is organising a two-day study trip for representatives of the Czech regional authorities which is to help them learn about the system of dual vocational education and training in Liechtenstein.
Two places of learning (therefore, the term “dual”) arrangement has a long tradition in Liechtenstein and applies to most professions, from cooks to clerks and designers. Student apprentices learn theoretical content at school, but practical training (learning by doing) at a company predominates in their education. Students are thus well prepared for the changing demands and needs

Summary of the results

The Programme Operator organised a two-day study trip for representatives of the Czech regional authorities which helped them learn about the system of dual vocational education and training in Liechtenstein. Participants had a unique opportunity to gain inspiration for the application of dual education principles in their regions. Besides their listening to presentations on the school and vocational education system, they also visited an apprentice laboratory at HILTI and Hoval. Altogether, 10 representatives of 10 regional authorities (Kraj Vysočina, Ústecký kraj, Zlínský kraj, Olomoucký kraj, Karlovarský kraj, Jihočeský kraj, Liberecký kraj, Královehradecký kraj, Hlavní město Praha and Středočeský kraj) and two representatives of the Programme Operator took part in the study visit. The activity aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic, as well as networking and sharing of experience and best practices.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.