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The initiative included an exchange programme of a PhD student which provided an important methodological tuning between Czech and Norwegian laboratories. Secondly, a lecture of the Norwegian expert was organized at the 1st Medical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. Moreover, the initiative supported an active participation of all teams at the Conference devoted to “Large Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases”, organized by the Center PIGMOD in the Czech Republic in September 2019, and thus provided a unique chance for discussions and exchange of ideas for future cooperation
Summary of the results
The implementation of the bilateral cooperation significantly supported the cooperation of Czech and Norwegian scientists in area of biomedicine. The best evidence of this cooperation is the recent joint application into the KAPPA Program (CZ-Research) and the second study visit of a PhD student, which was not supported by this grant application, but it will be realized thanks to prof. Eide and financial help of PIGMOD Centre soon. All aims were fulfilled: 1. The active participation of Norwegian partners in ”The 5th Conference Focused on the Large Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases” was the main emphasis of the bilateral cooperation. Four professors from the University of Oslo took part and they all had invited speeches and two of them were chairmen of two sections. 2. The one-month study visit of a Czech PhD student at the University of Oslo, in the Research Eye Centre, led by prof. Goran Petrovski took place in December 2019 and focused on the cultivation and characterization of primal human RPE cells. Mgr. Yaroslav Nemesh participated. 3. The hosted lecture of prof. Goran Petrovski, director of Research Eye Centre of University of Oslo, in the Vitreoretinal conference in Mikulov in autumn 2019 took place. Instead of the originally planned performance at the Charles University in Prague , he spoke at the Congress for 400 listeners.