Bilateral initiative facts

Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NO)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Preparation of partnership project or application
Study tour
Association of Cities for Cyclists(CZ)
Czech Technical University in Prague - CVUT(CZ)
Jan Evangelista Purkyne University - UJEP(CZ)
Programme areas:


The purpose of WINSPIRE initiative was a know-how exchange by establishing a platform to create a base for cooperation, share experience and transfer of best practices in the field of sustainable urban mobility. Its aim is to bring together partners representing variable entities (research institution, universities, municipalities, NGO), who would initiate establishment of a consortium and identify common topics of interest for future cooperation. The main objective of WINSPIRE is to identify and agree on a research idea that shall be developed into a project proposal.
The initiative had a form

Summary of the results

The initiative was implemented fully in accordance with the project proposal as a bilateral workshop in Trondheim. The first day of the initiative was organised as the networking dinner for introducing each other. The second day was divided into two parts. During the morning sessions, after welcoming speech from the Head of the Department of of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Carl Thodesen) and introduction by Petr Pokorny (NTNU) all the participants presented their backgrounds, expertise and ideas relevant to the workshop topics and aims. The participants visited several recently implemented pilot traffic projects in the city centre of Trondheim. A social evening followed. The final day was organised as a brain-storming regarding the future EEA. The participants divided into two groups identified the topics for further cooperation in the field of sustainable urban mobility. Both groups presented their findings, Petr Pokorny summarised the initiative in the final presentation. The workshop was concluded with the signature of common declaration on future cooperation. The findings of the initiative were summarised in written documentation and sent to all participants. So the purpose of the initiative was fully achieved.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.