More information
The study trip and cooperation between young people from the Czechia and Iceland is a follow-up and deepening part to the ongoing system ACF project "Jako fakt?". It includes a video campaign, where part of the videos with minorities is made by the young people (TikTok followers) making their own videos with representatives of the minorities. Thanks to the bilateral grant, the authors of the most outstanding videos would participate in a study trip to Iceland, organised with Amnesty Iceland. They would meet peers, representatives of minorities in Iceland and experts on human rights issues.
Summary of the results
In principle, the project and its goals were implemented and fulfilled according to the original plan (project).
The competition took place, the winners not only went on a study trip to Iceland, where they completed several workshops, meetings and discussions in cooperation with a partner organization. But they also returned from it in good health. According to the feedback from the participants, it was possible to increase their knowledge about human rights and minorities here and in Iceland. At the level of cooperation between the two Amnesty branches, not only the desired exchange of experience was achieved, but thanks to this project we tentatively planned further cooperation for next year.