The discussion on what the poverty, social exclusion and inclusion are about is missing. The public opinion on poverty, socially excluded groups is influenced by myths, misunderstandings and lack of information. The project therefore raises awareness of poverty, of the necessity of creating an inclusive environment for socially excluded people. It also tries to remove prejudice about Roma. The project consists of three crucial pillars – explaining, measuring, advocating, with the accent on the activities within public policies and the attitudes of the wider public. Single components of the project contribute to the formulation of the concept of inclusion, to the measurement of its level and to the promotion of raising of the awareness of poverty, social exclusion, de-mythologization of these. Main target groups is general public, secondary one are organizations working in area of social development and fighting with poverty.
Summary of project results
The discussion on what is poverty, social exclusion and inclusion is missing in Slovakia The public opinion on the poverty, socially excluded groups is influenced by myths, misunderstandings and by the lack of information. Project therefore tackled a issue of poverty and awareness about it. It also contributed to decreasing of prejudices about Romas which are still pretty common in society. Project consisted of three crucial pillars – explaining, measuring and advocating, with the accent on activities within the public policies and the attitudes of wider public. So, the outputs were delivered within these three pillars: explaining via set of 52 articles and 9 infographics, measuring via public opinion pool and developed and tested methodology of measuring of social inclusion in communities and advocating via lobbying and influencing of public policies. In addition, set of good examples from abroad was elaborated. The project promoter developed wide spectrum of activities not only towards general public but also to experts and to local municipalities. The audit of social inclusion methodology, elaborated within the project, was tested in two town (Dolný Kubín and Tornaľa) and it was already presented to wider auditorium of local authorities on ZMOS seminars. Important part of the project were also "focus groups", what is specific way of public opinion survey.
Summary of bilateral results