The Horehronie region in Central Slovakia is suffering of many problems, so as high unemployment rate, presence of excluded groups (incl. Roma), resulting in spreading of poverty and social problems. The project is aimed to create 14 employment opportunities for the inhabitants of Valaská - disadvantaged, long-term-unemployed and low-skilled people with poor employment prospects, mostly Romas. For this target group, employment can contribute to (renewed) self-realization and provide a source of income. The first phase of the project encompasses the formation of a 9-member working group, which will be put in charge of reconstructing the premises, where a laundry will be located. The second phase involves the launching of the laundry-service. operated by 7 employees. 12 months after its launching, the laundry will become economically independent. In this way, the sustainability of the project and permanent employment for 14 workers are ensured.
Summary of project results
The Horehronie region in Central Slovakia, similarly the many other regions in a country, is suffering of problem of high unemployment rate of excluded groups (incl. Roma), resulting in spreading of poverty and social problems. Public administration is not able to solve this issue efficiently; it is focused mainly on distribution of social security benefits, which however don’t solve the problem. Though general prejudices within major society are about low interest of Romas in work, practical experience of the project promoter was opposite: many Romas want to work and they are very good workers if they would get in job. Of course, thanks to low level of education they are able to do only low qualified works. The project was aimed to create employment opportunities suitable for people coming from disadvantaged, long-term-unemployed and low-skilled groups with poor employment prospects, mostly Romas. This intention was fully accomplished by establishing of new „social enterprise“ which provides laundering and ironing to customers in region. Beneficiaries were involved in the project in two phases. First 9 persons were employed at reconstruction of building. They got many construction skills so their employability increased. Then, is second and final period 10 persons, most of them Roma, are employed in the laundry. They not only renew self-realization but they also have got a source of income what is the most efficient way of tackling with poverty and exclusion. The project is valuable also due its potential to show to other groups in Slovakia that social enterprising is feasible and may bring income to people in poverty, if well planned and managed. Though beginnings of enterprising are difficult, first valuable orders came only a few days after project’s end what gives assumption of sustainability of the project even in very competitive environment.
Summary of bilateral results