How change is born in community

Project facts

Project promoter:
Autists - Agency of specialized services for people with autism and other health disabilities (short name Autists, n.o.)
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 36,695
The project is carried out in:
Bratislavský kraj

More information


Increased number psychiatric diseases and number of people in psychiatric treatment brought new challenges how the structure of missing services might be organized. The main objective of the project is to engage relevant NGOs and community resources in Bratislava region to contribute to systematic changes in community care for young people with mental disabilities. Main outcome of the project is to build on regional conception of services for target group. Another output will be active citizens participation (young people with mental disabilities) in community living and trainings. The main aim and content of trainings will be prepared together with people with mental disabilities and will be based at their individual needs for independent living in community. Beneficiaries of the project are young people with mental disabilities, NGOs focused on programs and services for this target group as well as community of City Bratislava (specifically Bratislava region).

Summary of project results

Increased number psychiatric diseases and number of people in psychiatric treatment brought new challenges how the structure of missing services might be organized. The main objective of the project was to engage relevant NGOs 12 (8) and community resources in Bratislava region to contribute to systematic changes in community care for young people with mental illnesses. Main outcome of the project was to build on regional conception of services for target group. Another output was about active citizens participation (young people with mental illnesses) 52 (30) in community living and trainings. The main aim and content of trainings were prepare together with people with mental illnesses and they were based at their individual needs for Independent living in community. Beneficiaries of the project were young people with mental illnesses, NGOs focused on programs and services for this target group as well as community of City Bratislava (specifically Bratislava region). In a research report they highlighted the problems of the target group and absence of services. They pointed out the possibility of effective providing assistance and services to people with mental illness. The research was focused on Bratislava city but identified information and recommendations could be good data for regional services development concept for people with mental illness in Slovakia.

Summary of bilateral results