In a great number of Slovak families, direct contact of parents with their children ceases, resulting in frequent occurrence of multiple social-pathological phenomena in children’s behavior and subsequently in that of adolescents. The project seeks to reinforce values of goodness, love, and health in children at risk from the city of Ružomberok and its surroundings, in order to build a positive attitude towards themselves and their surroundings and to prevent mutual intolerance and hate speech. The goal is to be achieved by different means such as organizing regular and irregular fairy-tale meetings for children at risk, training of adults who will help to build the value ladder of children at risk or creating new methodological materials and new training programmes.
Summary of project results
In a great number of Slovak families, the direct contact of parents with their children weakens, resulting in frequent occurrence of multiple social-pathological phenomena in children’s behaviour and subsequently in that of adolescents. The project outcomes will be maintained through further implementation of these activities at various schools in Slovakia as well as via spreading the developed methodologies, which will be made accessible for use by other organisations. The objective of the project was to reinforce the values of goodness, love, and health in children at risk, as the basis for (i) building their positive attitude to themselves and their surroundings, and (ii) preventing mutual intolerance and hatred. The objective was fully met. The long-term outcome of the project is the ability of children to convey the lessons learned into their behaviour, thus contributing to building a healthier society. The outcome of the project was defined as: reinforced values of goodness, love and health in children at risk from the city of Ružomberok and its surroundings, which will improve their self-perception as well as their perception of other people. The outcome was fully met. Main outputs: 1,679 children and important adults involved in the project; methodological material to be used by other schools and NGOs developed. Beneficiaries were involved primarily through their active participation in interactive meetings which helped to reinforce the values of love, goodness and health in them. They gained positive behaviour patterns which will help them in their further development. Also, they reinforced their positive attitude to themselves, others and the environment of their life.
Summary of bilateral results