Corruption, nepotism and misuse of public funds are common problems in Slovakia. Corruption not only damages the economy but also the credibility of public institutions. There is a tendency within Slovak society however to accept the status quo rather than take a stance against corrupt political and business practices. Those who do speak out receive little support and often find themselves excluded in society or in some cases even dismissed from their jobs. The objective of the project is to promote democratic values, including human rights, by supporting individuals or organisations that bring instances of corruption to public attention. A mechanism for protecting and promoting people who publicly speak out against corruption is to be put in place. The ‘White Crow’ prize will be awarded to whistleblowers and anti-corruption activists. In addition to the award ceremonies every two years, other activities will include provision of legal protection for the prize nominees and winners and other anticorruption activists, and the organisation of public debates on the issue of corruption. Citizens at all levels in Slovakia are expected to benefit from the project.
Summary of project results
Corruption, nepotism, misusing of public funds are common problems of Slovakia. Though anti-corruption awareness is raising slowly, in general majority of Slovak society is still passive. Persons and groups, who speak out against it, often don\t feel support and are secluded. They suffer the consequences very often - they are dismissed, denigrated and excluded. The objective of the project was therefore to create mechanism of protecting and promoting of people, publicly active in anticorruption, what is a mission of the White Crow Award. Its impact in Slovakia is significant - it keeps public discussion about corruption and public fund misusing in a radar of public and media. It also encourage and inspire people who fight against corruption. Main outcomes consist of support of whistleblowers and their public appreciation, increasing of awareness about corruption and nepotism in public and delivering of anti-corruption know-how. Main outputs: 7 new whistleblowers awarded, 2 widely published award ceremonies, 11 discussion with whistleblowers within all Slovakia, publishing of e-book about the award and manual/case study about experience of whistleblowers. The beneficiaries were mainly whistleblowers who not only got support and recognition but also contributed in the project by participation in discussions, by sharing experience in book and case study. On the other hand they've benefited in various ways, e.g. support in seeking of job, defending before a court, better protection via public promotion, advices, etc. As far the White Crow is one of the project promoter's flagship program and it is recognized brand it is sure that the project promoter will be able to raise enough funds in future to run this award and program also in next years.
Summary of bilateral results