Concept of Environmental Education in the Slovak Republic - steps forward

Project facts

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Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 25,431
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The current state of environmental education (EE) in Slovakia is insufficient in many ways. A modern concept of EE is missing, infrastructure underdeveloped, resources low. Currently, there is no official organ advocating existence and quality of EE. The objective of the project is to stop degradation of EE in Slovakia and support its development through a new and officially accepted strategic document. Its outcome is preparation of the Concept of EE until 2030 in a participative way. The new Concept of EE is officially accepted. A network of environmental teachers (with at least 300 members) is strengthened. A permanent e-conference for is EE created. Pupils and students will benefit from the effective system of EE. Teachers will have created better conditions, environment and tools for EE. Competent public institutions will obtain defined challenges and tasks in relation to development of EE. The member organisations of the Špirála network will have a development strategy.

Summary of project results

The current state of environmental education (EE) in Slovakia was insufficient in many ways. A modern concept of EE was missing, infrastructure underdeveloped, resources low. There was no official organ advocating existence and quality of EE. The objective was to stop degradation of EE in Slovakia and support its development through a new and officially accepted strategic document. It was reached just partially. EE as such was sustained or developed. In the state education system, EE stayed among the priority themes. Co-operation of teachers of EE was enhanced. On the other hand, the Concept of EE was not prepared in co-operation with experts from the Ministry of Education (MEd) and the MEnv. At the MEd, there was a change in the position of the minister twice during the project period. The MEnv avoided the participation with arguments that at first they have to prepare their internal concept of EE. The project outcome, the Concept of EE, was not prepared in cooperation with the above mentioned institutions and its final part is therefore just outlined. As a result, the Concept of EE was not accepted as an official document at the national level. It is expected that the results of the project will be sustained and further developed, including the Concept of EE. Environmental education is the only area Špirála focuses on generally and the Concept of EE will be their priority as well in the next period. A network of environmental teachers was strengthened and involved 150 teachers. A permanent e-conference for was EE created. An environmental magazine Ďalekohľad (3,000 issues) was prepared and distributed. A publication Environmental Education – roads and crossroads was issued to support the theme. Teachers have at least slightly better conditions and tools for EE. As a consequence, also pupils and students at schools will benefit from this change. Competent public institutions were challenged to development of EE. Špirála accepted 6 new NGO members.

Summary of bilateral results