The Roma are one of Europe’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and frequently face intolerance, discrimination and exclusion. Many lack access to housing, healthcare, social services and education. In Slovakia, the long-term unemployment rate amongst Roma is over 80% and poverty widespread. There is also little awareness among Roma communities of environmental issues and landscape protection and few are involved in farming and entrepreneurship activities. The objective of the project is to empower this vulnerable group and contribute to a more sustainable economic development. The project will involve Roma communities in basic farming and gardening activities by helping them grow their own fruit and vegetables as well expanding more commercially through the production of bioseed. Ten new jobs in farming are expected to be created with 10 existing jobs safeguarded. Short film clips will and other publicity materials will be produced to keep the wider public informed about the project. The main beneficiaries of the project will be Roma communities in the local area with publicity activities also generating awareness among the broader public.
Summary of project results
Today's situation in many Roma communities. Poverty, long-time unemployment, even hunger are common. In addition, there is also low-to-no respect to a land, low-to-no abilities of Roma population in farming and enterprising. The objective of the project were to assist to Roma to be able to earn money for livelihood and/or grow food for themselves via organic farming. The project has achieved objectives fully, Roma produced bio-quality seeds of vegetable to be sold and they launched regular community gardening for their own consumption. The only incompleted result is an amount of bio-quality seed and its price when sold, caused by adverse weather. The impact of the project is significant as far it broke down the prejudices about Roma attitude to work and showed that Roma community is committed. The project also influenced national policies of social inclusion. The project reached interesting outcomes - Roma communities are involved in quality agriculture production (seeds in bio quality) and in community vegetable growing, what improved their skills, their self-confidence as well as their image. The gardening farm in Rudlov is improved. Attitude of majority population in area to people in poverty and Roma is improved thanks to public relation activities (mostly articles). Main outputs are: keeping of 10 permanent jobs a creating of 7 new seasonal jobs, development of system of irrigation by retention of natural surface water, production of 180 kg of bio-quality seeds and 11,500 kg vegetable and fruits for own consumption in estimated value of 11.500 €. Beneficiaries, mostly Roma and people in poverty, were involved mainly by work in fields on production of bioseed and in gardens in community vegetable growing. In addition, they took care carried for tools and equipment and they participated also in water works building. Main benefits for them consist of access to income, improving of labour skills, increasing of self-confidence and self-sufficiency.
Summary of bilateral results