Around 8000 victims of domestic violence turned for help towards the Victim support organisation, which provided around 15 000 various services. The project´s objective is to ensure a smooth and expeditious access to advice and assistance for victims and relatives of victims of domestic violence, in order to provide additional rights of victims, including rights relating to information and support from the first contact with the competent authority and in criminal proceedings including the right to free legal aid. The project is expected to achieve and provide: - Specialized counselling for victims and their loved ones - Accompany them especially during the criminal proceedings against the offender - Provide victims with legal aid and legal representation - Social counselling and reintegration assistance to victims of family life - Economic advice and possibly help victims reintegrate into working life. Thanks to the project, target group of domestic violence victims could use the help line and counselling centres in 5 regions of Slovakia providing services in accordance with European standards
Summary of project results
In Slovakia, both domestic and intimate partner violence have been taboo for a long time. Domestic violence is criminalized since 1999. However, despite legal protections, the government failed in its implementation and enforcement. Thus, the domestic violence remains hidden and under-reported. Slovak government study (2008) showed that approx. one in five Slovak women experienced violence of her partner and 27,9% experienced violence perpetrated by the ex-partner. The Project aimed to change the mindset of domestic violence victims: to point out that it is a violence even if it is behind the closed doors (facing the downplay), that there is support (facing stigmatization and fear to seek help), and provide the tailor-made assistance. The main goal of the Project was to provide the support - psychological, social, economic and legal counseling and legal representation for victims of domestic violence and close persons in 5 Centers (Bratislava, Trenčín, Trnava, Banská Bystrica, Košice) supported by the electronic and telephone Helpline. In five Centers 634 cases were accomplished, the Helpline was available 300 hours per month, 884 Helpline provided consultations, 961 clients received assistance, 38 clients were represented in courts, 2 public seminars and 4 lectures for university students were carried. Public awareness of domestic violence significantly raised.
Summary of bilateral results