The Liptov-region and western part of Spis-region suffer the most from high rate of unemployment, low living standards and higher criminality. On the other hand the level of social network and services for victims of gender-based and domestic violence is very low. Therefore the project could be considered as an important step to amend the current situation. The main objective is the establishment and operation of a counselling centre for victims of gender-based and domestic violence in the mentioned regions. Provision of new social services is the second main objective. The established counselling centre will provide assistance to more than 600 victims per year (output). The outcomes consist of provision of new services as special social advisory, social rehabilitation, nonstop hotline in case of crisis situations. Communication will be possible also in Roma language. Specialized trainings and education will be provided also for the staff and volunteers. No donor partner is involved in the project.
Summary of project results
Before the project there were no professional services available for the victimes of domestic violence in the region of Liptov. By establishing of Counceling Centre in town of Liptovský Mikuláš we fulfilled one of main objectives of our project. We have created new services in our acredited centre which are still available for the wide public since then for almost 3 years. We have provided thousands of women with information about domestic violence, gender equality and prevention of circle of violence in the famillies, in particular we were aimming to work closer with the minorities like is a Roma population, which has one of highest concentration in our region. In our Acredited Advice Centre we have provided more then 100 women with professional help and assitance. We have provided free counselling to 84 in the region . From that overal number there had been 32 of roma´s minority counselling. We also have provided more then around 300 hundred hours of councelling to marginalized women during they stay in the states prisons. There have been more then 400 calls at our phone number .
Summary of bilateral results