Strong obstacle in SR -UKR development of cross-border cooperation is the lack of integrated regional development of the border area and joint planning and low socio -economic development and underdevelopment border areas with underdeveloped infrastructure. The main idea of the project is popularization of the Ukrainian-Slovak border area under sustainable awareness by developing cross-border partnership. Objectives - popularization of the Ukrainian-Slovak border area under sustainable awareness by developing cross-border partnership, preservation and regeneration of cultural and historical specificity and traditions of the border region and the way how to use them in the context of tourism and movement.Project will also increase knowledge about neighboring cultures, traditional elements and ways of life for the residents. It will open the imaginary path between both nations. Achievements - to remove barrier in cross-border cooperation, increase the tourist potential as well as the economic recovery of areas in the border region. . This increase will be subsequently reflected on both sides and contributes to encourage economic activity of this area. Outputs - raising awareness of border regions on both sides, providing essential practical information for visitors to the country on both sides of the border, increase the attractiveness of border regions for the people living in the region, but also those living outside of the region, improving cooperation institutions operating here and others designed to ensure the flow of information. Target groups are minorities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and young adults. The project realization provides to partners - a mutual co-operative, creating new partnerships, the possibility of further cooperation in the future.
Summary of project results
The project has not been implemented. On 9 January 2017 the agreement ob project contract termination was signed. No payments.
Summary of bilateral results
The project has not been implemented. On 9 January 2017 the agreement ob project contract termination was signed. No payments.