The project will focus on internal and cross border cooperation equally and will test the best proposed solutions before the project termination, thus greatly enhancing the sustainability of the projects results. The project aims to establish reliable information door, gate or “portal” (implemented in three pillars) that will flow various information of economic, social, cultural life to cross border partner country in systematic and sustainable way. Objectives - establish a new partnerships, strenghten the exsisting partnerships, creating a base for facilities in segment of inbound tourism. Achievements - The project information “portal” can operate an user friendly interactive (multi lingual) webpage that can provide newsletter, articles, electronic news media and video clips on cross border projects (past, running, future). Besides that, the project would develop radio and TV short shots, broadcasted in media stations and as downloadable files through the portal as well on current life in neighborhood country. The project can also channel cultural information based on stories (photographs, literature, art). ). As this is the most efficient tool for tourism product marketing (spread through person to person relations), the project has a tourism promotion potential too. Outputs – 1.Establishment of network of institutions collaborating on agenda of Kinder,s kingdom information flow. 2. Development of partnership initiative of collaborating institutions interested in cross border projects. 3. Development of cross border information products for public. Target groups are children, young adults and non governmental organisation. The project partners will set up efficient system for article and image generation, processing and delivery to properly operate the e-newsletter publication. All the partners involved in the cooperation network will participate in promotion of the Fairy tale Kingdom.
Summary of project results
The continual ageing and migration of youth to cities and abroad is among the most serious current threats to rural countryside that EU faces. The serious analysis and number of reasons underline the need for more attractive and sustainable jobs not only related to cultivation and agro-sector production. Among the assets that the rural countryside can offer and utilize are the natural and cultural heritage, crafts and traditions and culinary services. While good accessibility and high quality secondary services like catering and accomodation are needed the main reason for tourism and visitors is the unique experience, relax and fun. Those rural communities that are sustainable and competitive can offer the good balance of these primary attractions and acceptable and variable secondary services. The project, while relying on cultural historical heritage conservation and development tried to fullfil these needs. The project objectives were through advance networking to increase the information flow, exchange of best practices and establish cooperative network of stakeholders interested in cross border and trans-national cooperation. The specific objectives concerned the improved cooperation in three areas “ project and initiative development, cultural tourism that builds on concept of “fairy tale kingdom” as touristic program and on exchange of media news, images informing about events, opportunities, ideas and best practices. The project developed a number of outputs that enable achievement its results and outcomes : 7 publications of stories, tales from 3 countries (Norway, Ukraine, Slovakia), Slovak and English language audiobooks of tales, development scenarios and fairy tale concepts for 2 Fair Tale Kingdoms established, technical infrastructure for delivery of primary services and attractions in Seredne Ukraine and Jablonov nad Turňou, Slovakia, almost 2 dozens of TV and video shots and hundreds of images from 30 destinations. These outputs served to achieve the establishment of Carpathian fairy tale Network with 19 members (3 Norwegian, 4 Ukrainian and 12 Slovak) that continue to develop the fairy tale kingdom programme and other initiatives and projects. The network after the project completion organized several events, meetings and activities and initiated new proposals for continuation of cross border and trans-national cooperation. The project among other also utilizes the best practices and initiatives of other EEA projects that support sustainable mobility as suitable approach for rural mobility development.
Summary of bilateral results
The active participation of Norwegain partners proved to be extremely beneficial. Among the most valuable contributions it needs to be mentioned the high quality study tour organization for Slovak partners demonstrating and displaying the best Norwegian practices in family based and cultural heritage tourism that significantly contributed to the knowledge and capacitry development of project partners and the particiaption in cultural heritage identification and multiplications (Norwegain fairy tales and stories). It also needs to be mention that the active participation of Norwegian partner in fairy tale kingdom development and follow up initiative and networking support was essential. As a result other local Norwegian institutions are interested to cooperate and became the network members. As already mentioned above the bilateral cooperations enabled efficient knowledge and best practice exchanges including their transplantation to Ukraine and developement of innovative concepts of rural cultural and natural tourism that led to new initiative and projects identification and possible implementation.