Communication to the Prosperity Slovakia - Ukraine Border Region (COPESU)

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of ss Cyril and Method in Trnava
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 251,943
The project is carried out in:


The specific objectives of the projects are: 1. increasing of awareness in fields: European development policy, Strategy of regions development, financial development tools, harmonisation of Ukraine legislation and norms with Slovak legislation and norms for cross-border regional development conditions creation, state Slovak policies in several sectors, e.g. trade, employment, environmental protection, education; 2. exchange of experiences between Slovak and Ukraine experts; 3. creation of communication tools: web page, e-newsletter, leaflets and brochures of project, newsletter, collection from final conference presentations, strategy of cross-border region development, handbook from workshops; 4. networking of cooperative institutions; Dissemination of project results will be realised through project web page, on project partners meetings, and particularly on final project conference, realised by all project partners. More detailed information concerning project content are in Annex "Project Description

Summary of project results

UCM Trnava in Trnava as the lead Managing Partner and the Uzhhorod National University in Uzhhorod in partnership with the Regional Development Agency in Svidnik, the Regional Development Agency in Rachov and SARIO have agreed on co-operation in the field of cross-border region promotion, exchange of experience and establishment of permanent cooperative cross-border partnerships. This type of wide ranging collaboration has not been realized so far. Permanent change is to improve the level of information flow between neighbouring Slovak and Ukrainian municipalities, the business sector, non-governmental organizations and universities.Presentation of the cross-border Slovak-Ukrainian region in the form of a travelling photographic exhibition, production and presentation of a film about the region, joint international conferences (in Svidnik and Uzhhorod) and compilation of a publication from the scientific papers presented at the international conference, student exchanges in Ukraine and Slovakia, brainstorming with local owners of information media, entrepreneurs and participants in cross-border cooperation in the region, organized in Michalovce and Uzhhorod.Within the framework of the project, 6 common information products were, aimed at raising the awareness of the neighboring country - the Svidnik Initial Conference, the publication of information via regional media in Ukrainian, a public presentation of the film about the cross-border region in Slovakia (international conference in Smolenice) and Ukraine (Uzhhorod) , an exhibition of photography about the region in Slovakia and Ukraine, a visit by Ukrainian participants to a workshop at the Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svidník. The common presentation of a film about the cross-border region, press conferences in Slovakia and Ukraine as well as the project website are initiatives aimed at promoting public awareness on both sides of the border. As part of the project, the Consultancy Centre was established as a new type of service to raise awareness of the region. Over the duration of the project 190 people took part in awareness-raising activities.

Summary of bilateral results