Ubľa - Velykyj Bereznyj - Information cross the borders (U-VB-INH)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Village Ubľa
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 99,791
The project is carried out in:


Ubľa – Matyj Bereznyj (UA) - it is the only one international border crossing point in Prešov region with average daily statistics: 1440 passenger cars, 649 passages. They don´t have the opportunity to access information on services and tourism potential of the region as well as basic information on crossing the border, necessity of visas and the others. The current problem is that there is not comprehensive informational product, or more products focused on awareness raising on Slovakia - Ukrainian border areas and the non-existing ways to disseminate information within the public and professionals. Objective of the project is the support of public awareness on both sides of the border including the activities for general public focused on increasing the awareness on the Slovak – Ukrainian cross - border area and its possibilities in tourism, culture, social area and education. Project expects to achieve the improvement of the information flow by the creation of the 6 joint information products, information brochure in 3 languages (SK-UA-EN), promotional books about border region villages Stakčín, Kolonica, Zboj a Velykyj Bereznyj in 3 languages, information boards, promotional film in 3 languages, billboards on both sides of border pointing on created information centres. Creation of joint web site. All the Slovak and Ukrainian partners will offer new types of services or new ways of providing existing services as regards awareness raising by the new joint information products and so the number of clients who will be served by these institutions will increase. Creation of Multifunctional information centre for the improvement of the information flow. It is the innovative centre situated directly at the border point who will get the information about visas, permission for local border crossing, about tourism, natural and cultural sources and services on both sides of border.

Summary of project results

Project Ubľa-Velykyi Bereznyi - Information does not know the borders, was based on the need to increase the information flow on border areas, their culture, history, national parks, tourism development and tourism within the border area of Slovakia and Ukraine. Long-term requirement from passengers and tourists about providing more information about the possibility of using tourism in Ukraine and oppositely from Ukrainian tourists there were the requirements about the tourism in the border area in Slovakia. Due to the fact the involvement of the Municipality of Ubľa into the project was a certain summary of need to implement the project aimed at increasing the flow of information for tourists from both sides of the border. At the present, the project's goal is already achieved because we are able adequately advise on tourism in national parks, as Uzansko in Ukraine or Poloniny in Slovakia. We can provide all information about what tourists can see, what he can visit or which historical monuments he can see in Ukraine. All the necessary information is directly providing at the tourist and information centre in Ubľa. This project is focused on the long-term goal and already now is bringing its results within the development of tourism on both sides of the border. The important part of the project was project outputs in order to achieve the main goal of the project. The main outputs of the project were: 1. Establishment of one Polyfunctional Tourist Information Center in Ubľa 2. 1 working place was created 3. Two billboards with promotional theme were made and placed on the Slovak side at the PTIC building in Ubľa and the municipal office in Velykyi Bereznyi, Ukraine 4. 3600 promotional books were published on the Slovak and Ukrainian side for both project partners 5. Reducing of the existing barriers within the cross-border cooperation was provide - the creation of sustainable cooperative structures with 1 partner on the Ukrainian side Velykyi Bereznyj 6. 5 pieces of information panels on projects located in partner buildings in the municipality of Stakčín, Ubľa, Velykyj Bereznyj, Zboj and Kolonica 7. Total number of clients who were covered by institutions supported from the project were 1000. 8 Two local and regional organizations offering new types of awareness-raising services have been created in Ubľa and Velykyj Bereznyj in Ukraine. 9. 5 conferences and meetings. 150 attendees participated on this events.

Summary of bilateral results

At the present, we are able to declare that the project was successful in the fact that during 2016 and year 2017 clients were very interested about the visit of the Polyfunctional Tourist and Information Center in Ubľa and the providing the information for clients visiting the Slovak Republic and Ukraine. During this period, more than 300 clients visited PTIC. Further conferences and meetings with partners from Ukraine, Slovakia, UNESCA, state institutions and organizations, civic associations were held in the premises of the PTIC in order to extend mutual cooperation and interconnection of cooperation with the border area of Ukraine. We can consider that this project is innovative for the cross-border area because it has been able to link and improve the relations between the two border areas and, above all, to improve and enhance the flow of information for all attenders, the general public, about these territories.