The main aim of the project is to create a sustainable values in form of experimental structure for nature watching, together with connection to broader landscape concept by using practically oriented learning process of architecture and design students. Designing and building process and its pilot running will have environmental character with positive effect to development of ecotourism and agroturism in Danube region, Slovakia. Intensive meetings in form of design workshops will take place in Slovakia and Norway with the aim to create and build the experimental climatic chamber, whereas the exchange mobility of students, teachers and administrators will serve for this purpose. Activities and outputs of the project will have an impact to improving of designing, technical, practical, social and communication skills and environmental awareness of students and teachers thanks to multidisciplinary and multicultural character of the project. Thus target groups of the project are students of both universities. Also the future users of the shelter - climatic chamber that will be ecoturists, local inhabitants and municipality will take advantage of the project result. Donor partner, Bergen School of Architecture is an equal partner fully participating in all project activities. Significant asset of the partnership will be the improving of professional background of participants, better understanding of broader context of operation of ecosystems, ecotourism and regional development in relation to planned building and social interventions.
Summary of project results
Project Experimental Wooden Climatic Chamber between Faculty of Architecture of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and Bergen School of Architecture was needed for strengthening the bilateral cooperation between the partners and for transferring the expertise in the wood engineering and design. It has enriched the standard curricula with the experimental, practical and environmental approach to designing and building with wood. During 2 designing workshops and 2 building workshops took place mobility of 12 Slovak and 10 Norwegian students and 4 Slovak and 3 Norwegian academics. At these workshops, a bird watching platform DUNA at Hrušovská zdrž on Danube near Bratislava was created. The object during the whole process has served like a learning tool for students and teachers. The process of designing and building was documented in details so it can serve like a study material, inspiration and technical guideline for next students and professionals with similar goals. Teaching aid for architects and designers working with CNC machines was prepared and is available.There were also executed mobilities of academic and managing staff with the aim to improve the inter-institutional cooperation and project administration and coordination, as well as several events for public with the aim to inform about the project and nature watching were organized. The main benefit of the project was improving of different professional and personal skills. The practical character of the project enriched the standard learning programs. Students designed the object with specific function into particular environment, where they had to learn to think and act in a complex way and in the broad context. To be a part of this process, taking and managing this challenge was a strong experience shifting on higher professional and personal level for all participants. They have seen the whole process since design, preparation of technical documentation for production and legislation process, prefabrication and the building on the site.
Summary of bilateral results
Donor project partner was equal partner involved in all project activities.Teachers and students from the partner institution were more experienced in the field of wood structures and methodology of involving the students in the whole designing and building process. Thanks to a valuation of these experiences, the high quality of outcomes was achieved.The partnership achieved strengthening of bilateral relations in terms of planed further cooperation and projects and dissemination of the knowledge and experience gained from the project in Slovakia, Scandinavia and worldwide thanks to publications and social networks.