National Cultural Monument Castle Devin – Access for the Public to the Upper Castle

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bratislava City
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 368,931
The project is carried out in:
Bratislavský kraj


The objective of the project is to make the upper Castle with exhibition space (closed since 2008) available for public. The benefit of the project as regards the main goals of EEA Grants is in the reduction of economic disparities among the EEA countries. The project aims to admit access of part of the Castle for the public and thus attract tourists, which will help to ensure economical sustainability of the castle’s administration. The project will comprise architectural and terrain modifications and the creation of an exhibition in the castle’s basement which has been closed since September 2008. Devin Castle is a significant historical and archaeological site, which annually attracts around 100,000 visitors and many of them are from abroad. Through the project implementation, families with children, students, pensioners, experts, local and international visitors and tourists will clearly benefit. The partners will jointly participate on preparation of project documentation taking account of archaeological, geological, and historical elements and they will also jointly manage the reconstruction processes.

Summary of project results

National Cultural Monument Devin castle – Public Access to the Upper castle Project was aimed at making the Upper Castle again accessible to the public, as this part of the cultural monument was closed to public due to serious ruptures in the castle stone-wall in 2008. The project co-financed by the EEA grant realized in 11/2014 – 4/2017 included reconstruction of communication system from the Middle Castle to the Upper Castle, construction works on middle and upper terrace and restoration of the exposition located in underground cave spaces of the castle cliff. Monument-protected object of the Upper Castle is part of the area of the National Cultural Monument Devín - Slavic Castle site in Bratislava. The area is monument-protected, where all actions and activities are subject to supervision of the state monument protection institutions. The castle cliff is protected natural monument. Project activities: • clearing of the castle cliff and architectures of the Upper Castle out of self-seeding trees and rock debris using mountain-climbing techniques, and placement of monitoring system for detection of drifts of unstable parts of the castle cliff: realisation 10/2015 – 12/2015, clearing of the castle cliff out of self-seeding trees: realisation 3-4/2017 • reconstruction of the upper part of the castle – reconstruction works consisting in monuments renovation of the castle constructions of the Upper Castle part of the national cultural monument area: realisation 02/2016 – 6/2016 • restoration of the exposition located in underground cave spaces of the castle cliff: realisation 7/2016 - 04/2017 After the restoration works completion and restoration and installation of the new exhibition located in underground cave spaces of the castle cliff, the visitors of the Devin Castle have access to the Upper Castle and to the exposition “Devin Castle in 13 – 20 Century” from 6 May 2017. Total project budget of 517 376 € co-financed by EEA Financial Mechanism Grant in amount of 85 % costs - 439 770 € and co-financed by the Capital City of the Slovak Republic Bratislava in amount of 15 % costs. Total sum of reported eligible costs of the project realised in 11/2014 - 4/2017 reached 510 631,16 €. In addition the City of Bratislava increased own budget by cca 230 000 € for financing additional 2nd phase of the project reconstruction works, carried out in 2016 – 2017. The 2nd phase of the project included necessary reconstruction works not foreseen in the project from 2014 year.

Summary of bilateral results