Parič castle is a unique example in Slovakia of the use of brick as the dominant building material; there are very few, if any other brick castles in Slovakia. Only the foundations of castles were made of stones, because of the high level of groundwater. Parič is a so-called non-tower castle. Conservation and restoration of the castle ruin, including the implementation of the necessary research will be carried out. A substantial part of the castle is now hidden under the terrain, while the right wing within the walls ("interior castle") has the potential to substantially expand our knowledge of the historical development of the construction or answer questions in detail, pointing to the history of the castle. Based on the results of archaeological and architectural-historical research the extent of additional works shall be determined. By the project implementation the unique monument will be saved. The objective of the project is improvement of access of public and visitors,including people with reduced mobility. Implementation of the project may contribute to the further development of tourism and related part of economy services in a less developed region of Eastern Slovakia. This project contributes to the achievement of the EEA Grants' objectives (social/economic cohesion and strengthened bilateral cooperation)
Summary of project results
The Parič castle is one of the most remarkable cultural sights of the city Trebišov.As a significant element of genia loci, it is to be preserved for future generations in new quality so that our descendants would not witness another memento of human inability to foresee the future. The project´s objective was not only historical restoration of the castle ruins but also restoration of its closest area, which represents cultural area of saved national cultural sight.By implementation of the project, its main objective that was the improvement of visitor infrastructure and accessibility for visitors, mainly for the disadvantaged ones, and reconstruction of cultural sight was fulfilled. The project was aimed at increasing of tourist attractiveness of the lower Zemplín region, mainly in the area of so-called cultural tourism for Slovak and foreign visitors and specialized agencies or traveller portals. In order to achieve the planned results and outputs and to fulfil main objective of the project, it was necessary to perform the archaeological research and construction works to preserve and innovate the ruins of castle Parič; in addition, to build two informative and educational paths and to innovate its closest area. The area that is accessible for the public has already been innovated since the end of project´s implementation. The project was aimed at the improvement of infrastructure with the essential objective to improve the accessibility for the public. Accessibility routes to the ruins were adapted in order to enable and simplify the accessibility for not only the majority of public, but mainly for those who are kinaesthetically and orientation disadvantaged. In other words, for people using wheelchairs, elderly, pregnant women or for people who accompany a child in a baby stroller. By implementation of the project, all planned results and outputs were fulfilled as following: Completion and conservation of the historical walling – stone (m3) – target amount 66 / achieved amount 66;Completion and conservation of the walling – a brick (m3) – target amount 261 / achieved amount 261;The number of old bricks with verified frost hardiness – target amount 88 000 / achieved actual amount 88 000;Archaeological research – inspected surface (m2) – target amount 100 / achieved actual amount 240;The number of installed new informative notice boards – target amount 2 / achieved amount 2;The length of the newly-built communications routes (the main path + connecting path) (m2) – target amount 2 232 / achieved actual amount 2 232.
Summary of bilateral results