We preserve cultural heritage for future generations

Project facts

Project promoter:
Town Holíč
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 541,812
The project is carried out in:


Holíč Castle is considered to be a National Cultural Monument of super-regional importance.The aim of the project is the restoration of the south-eastern bastion of Holíč Castle - restoration, renovation and recultivation, which will contribute to safeguarding the monument for future generations. Holíč Castle will be made more accessible to the wider public. The objective of the project is also restoration of the exterior space within the bastion by planting of original wood species and greenery, which is expected to contribute to increasing the number of visitors to Holíč Castle. Architectural and historical research will be also a component of the revitalization works within the project. Preserving this cultural heritage for future generations is the motto of this project, so youths and students are the primary target group. A major and important target group are the residents of the town as well as visitors and tourists. The partnership will reinforce mutual relations and cooperation between the project partners, the exchange of experiences and know-how in the area of historical research and the exchange will provide information about new forms of education.

Summary of project results

The unique repair of the south-west bastion fortifications was successful; the interior part of the south-west bastion fortifications with installation of an outdoor exposition on the monarchial families working in Holíč is now open for the broad public, where barrier-free access was made possible. Since the outdoor exposition belongs to the Town Museum and Gallery in Holíč, it is changed annually for visitors and tourists. With repair of the south-west bastion boating in the castle moats may again be fully utilized. The goal of the project was defined in the scope of the project “Let’s Protect Cultural Heritage for Future Generations”: renovation, reconstruction and conservation of cultural heritage of the National Cultural Monument Holíč Castle. In the scope of reconstruction the entire outside of the fortification, measuring 955 m2, as well as the internal space of the south-west bastion fortification totaling 2280m2, managed to be reconstructed. The only preserved stone gutter was also successfully restored. The interior part of the south-west bastion is furnished with an outdoor exposition; a tree-line alley was planted, a lawn was added and a stone path was created. The added benches, rubbish bins and lighting provide a unique atmosphere to the bastion area in the evening hours.

Summary of bilateral results