Law for all

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Storm
Project Number:
Target groups
Drug consumers,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 13,552
The project is carried out in:
Nitriansky kraj


Low awareness of people's human rights and rights in general often leads to violations. The affected persons are not aware that their rights are violated and therefore do not seek redress. In practice we encounter this problem among clients of the Association STORM, who are injecting drug users and people working in street. The project stems from the need of knowledge of their rights and their knowledge of ways protection and enforcement. In working with target groups we certifies years of direct contact in their natural environment. For this reason, we will be part of the project in this way contact and inform about their rights and encourage them to free use of legal aid if they get into a situation where their rights have been violated. We will focus on trained staff associations in the promotion and protection of human rights workers and police force in order to highlight the rights of persons who frequently stands on the edge of society. It is important in our view, enhancing cooperation between workers of associations and police force in favor of the client.

Summary of project results

One of the goal of the organization Združenie STORM is to contact risk populations like a drug users, sex business people etc. in their natural environment, to reduce risks, implement interventions designed to improve the quality of their life and educate them in areas where knowledge is important to them. Low knowledge of human rights and rights in general often leads to rights abuse. A concerned persons are not aware, that their rights are abused and therefore they don´t look for correction. The project based from the need of knowledge of their rights and the ways of protecting and enforcing rights with clients. Main goal of the project was the identification, awareness and early prophylaxis of possible risks in the lives of clients through the field and stationary services provided by the organization. It included the assurance of free legal advice right in the client's field or in the contact center and improving the client's ability to defend their rights and be able to react in case of violations. The project allowed constant contact with the hidden population, helping workers and offered possibilities of improving in the area of human rights, of drug users and sex bussines people. Clients use the organization services repeatedly, expressing the confidence in workers and their contact was on a regular base. Thanks to the implementation of education were supporting workers trained in human rights and therefore they can continue to lead clients in this matter and also after the project. They enhance cooperation through workshops with members of municipal police in the cities of Nitra and Trnava and seek to term the myths between police and drug users. Informally they submitted to clients various topics in the field of human rights by info-educational materials in the form of magazine articles or other promotional materials. The objective was to increase your ability to identify their rights and assess their own situation. This will facilitate open communication and guidance on this sensitive topic. Clients have been involved in the creation of educational materials by themselves, they expressed in the context of a poll section on "My human rights violations meeting." The human rights of clients will continue to be addressed as part of all counseling issues. We will also continue to work on setting up a network of assistance and cooperation with members of the police forces in surrounding towns (e.g Galanta).

Summary of bilateral results