Project applicant, non-profit organization Success, has years of experience with young Roma people from Bystrany. On this experience is built proposed project implementation plan. The main partner of the project applicant is Civic Association Young owls. This civic association represents young Roma people from Bystrany. Representatives of Young owls will be involved in organizing and implementing activities number 1 and 2. The main aims of the project is : Make a Research and baseline study about social and family changes of Roma people in Bystrany after 1989. The second aim is : To increase non-formal eductaion of young Roma people from Bystrany. We aspected that after project activities the role and position of young Roma people will change, Will be strengthend their capacity and skills to planne and realise public benefit activities and also promote their own civic asociation.
Summary of project results
The needs of the project was to support active citizenship, increase participation of Roma youngsters on the making process strategic documents for Bystrany and also community life in the vilage. The group of 12-th young Roma people was involved to the research proces for basline study.They gathered date for survay, answer sheets.They searched text about the history of the village, important people, culture, environment and also history about Roma families from Bystrany.Youngsters participate on planning proces and prepared community activities for inhabitants from vilage. The main benefit and impact of the project was strentghten cooperation between local municipality and Roma youngsters on the public life in Bystrany, and also improve the skilss and position of these young people in their own community.The results of the project is research and basline study about socio. economical and families changes after 1989. This document is basic strategic document for municipality Bystrany. The second good result is colection of poste cards from Bystrany, whitch create youngsters together with their friends and families. This collection is one of the tools how you can make better image about Roma communities from eastern part of Slovakia. The post cards was distributed on the poste office near to Bystrany, people could take them and send their friends and families.
Summary of bilateral results