Secrets from Diaries by Marginalised Migrants: More Inclusion for People under International Protection

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute for Public Affairs
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 41,924
The project is carried out in:

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This project reacts to persisting barriers and problems with integration among migrants (international protection holders and migrants in general) in society and tries to contribute to removing symbolic and system barriers of integration. The key objectives are improvement of migrants’ position in society, increase knowledge about their situation, increase sensitiveness of society, communicate outcomes to broad audience. Through research, analysis, publication and finding communication will project reach set objectives. After realization of activities the project will contribute to increased knowledge base; support argumentation for legitimacy of migrants rights and needs, propose recommendations for public policy through dissemination of findings will project increase awareness about migration and heterogeneity of migrants (specifics of persons with international protection) the project will support multicultural dialogue and contribute to advocacy for minorities’ inclusion into society.

Summary of project results

Refugees,especially those with international protection (asylum and subsidiary protection), at the time of writing projects were at the periphery of public institutions. Browse issues relevant institutions caused considerable problems this extremely vulnerable group - even legislative barriers to decent participation in society.Lack of public debate on the subject and the data that reflect the setting of the integration program. Creation of the state integration program, which is designed to support the process of integration of the group into society, while not comprehensive of evaluated, and lacked a reflection of the effects of these rules on the refugees themselves. Project (the results) are mapping the complex integration program and also to form a comprehensive knowledge base. Based on our findings and formulating recommendations in the publication can streamline the integration program in the future to respond not only to the needs of refugees living in Slovakia, but to respond to potential challenges in the near future (such as access to refugees who come to us on the quotas set by the European Union). Finally, the project through their media activities - blogging, and breakfast with the media got into public debate the Integration of Refugees,which was missing in the debate.The refugees were involved in the project as our research partners - eight households received for writing diary monthly fee. In return we provide them with the complex support, assistance and advice. In addition to writing journals we have a household member were also made repeated ethnographic interviews. We tried to reach general public through blogging, provision of media interviews in Notabene newspaper.Two stories were dramatized read during International Day of Refugees.The cooperation with donor we consider as good – we consulted all questions, problems. The donor was open in every situation and we did not have any significant problems.

Summary of bilateral results