In Slovakia, the current gender inequality in Roma communities and discrimination of Roma women is alarming. As feminist NGOs in Slovakia point out: on the one hand the thus far approved strategies in the sphere of gender equality contain no specific measures focusing on elimination of multiple discrimination of Roma women, on the other hand neither do the policies related to the issues of the Roma minorit, not taking the gender perspective into account. In this situation it is more than important to empower Roma women’s NGOs that would be able to enter into these processes and to contribute to positive changes. However, the problem is that potential actors of change do not have enough of qualified personnel in this area who would be able to apply the gender perspective in their daily work. Our aim is to build up the capacities Roma NGOs through gender education and training to empower and strengthen their efforts in promoting gender equality for Roma women. Target groups are Roma women and beneficiaries are communities and public administration officers, decision-makers as well as wider public.
Summary of project results
In Slovakia, the current situation with regard to the elimination of gender inequalities in Roma community and discrimination against Roma women is alarming. As feminist non-governmental organizations in Slovakia, we are aware that in this situation is important to empower the Roma women and also NGOs that could join in the process leading to positive change. The problem, however, was a significant lack of capacity among Roma NGOs to promote gender equality and women's rights at local, regional or national level. We invested in strengthening our technical capabilities, through gender education and training we have contributed to enhance our capabilities and capacities of other cooperating NGOs, which are joined to a women platform "They don´t split us up". Platform members have increased their professionalism through accredited programs specifically focused on the issue of gender inequality between Roma women and men, especially in the area of violence against women. Outputs of the platforms is a platform strategy with an action plan for five years. We have created a space for exchange of experiences between different types of NGOs, through the documentary short films about violence against women in Roma communities, we opened topic so far ignored in the strategies and policies of SR. Through seminars we have increased cooperation of various NGOs in Slovakia and abroad, through research activities we recieved basic information about appearance of violence against women in Roma communities. Through blogs, articles and press conference we have tried to disseminate the topic of multiple discrimination against Roma women and violence against the Roma community towards the general public. We've also created a fundraising plan for the purpose of financial stabilization of QUO VADIS NGO, which will help us in the future, along with the newly formed accredited programs. In this activity we appreciate the assistance of the donor not only on financial, but also on professional level.
Summary of bilateral results