The project Sered Testimonies tries to map and fill the gaps in curriculum of primary and secondary schools in regard to the holocaust in Slovakia. The main benefit is the increasing availability of education for the young generation about minorities and their history in Slovakia. We will prepare educational material on Holocaust for secondary schools and educational brochure about the Sobibor concentration camp. Organizing study trips will provide the students and their teachers with the opportunity to meet holocaust survivors of the former labor and concentration camp in Sered. We will collect the memories of Holocaust survivors and as results three educational films are going to be produced.
Summary of project results
Project was executed as planned. All the project outcomes were realized. We produced 3 publications, 7 educational films and realized teacher´s trainings, seminars for students, specialists, and general public. Our educational materials were distributed to 144 schools throughout Slovakia, reaching 65 360 students. Educational films are available for free on our website, in both Slovak and English language. Educational materials, which we see as our most important project outcome, were approved by the Slovak Ministry of Education as official school textbooks. Currently, our textbooks are available on all secondary schools in Slovakia and thus contribute to availability of high quality educational materials in the realm of minority culture and its history in Slovakia. In 2009, building of the Holocaust Museum and educational Centre on the authentic site of the former labor and concentration camp in Sereď, have been initiated. Since the beginning, our civic association participates on research and production of teaching materials for this institution. Due to its aim to educate about human rights and prevention of discrimination, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, this project is highly important. Target groups were actively involved through large scale of different activities and events (seminars, lectures, and presentations, meetings with survivors). However, the greatest achievement we see in usage of our materials on Slovak schools, and by our partner organizations. We highly value the cooperation with the donor. All the employees on site of the donor were very helpful and eager to solve the unexpected project related technical problems.
Summary of bilateral results
Slovak National Museum-Museum of Jewish Culture facilitated exchanges with Norwegian project partners involved, such as the Jewish Museum of Trondheim (Executive Director Lise Rebekka Paltiel) and the Holocaust Museum Falstad (deputy director Jon Reitan). Representatives of the respective institutions took part in the expert exchange in Slovakia, where they presented the history of Norwegian Holocaust, and the activities of their museums. The project partner accompanied them during their visits to the Holocaust Museum in Sereď and the Museum of Jewish Culture in Bratislava. In Norway, Slovak experts presented forms of education about the Holocaust in Slovakia, and discussed possible common projects. Furthermore, Slovak experts facilitated the cooperation between Norwegian partners involved in the education about the Holocaust and the Holocaust Museum Sereď. Slovak National Museum-Museum of Jewish Culture facilitated exchanges with Norwegian project partners involved, such as the Jewish Museum of Trondheim (Executive Director Lise Rebekka Paltiel) and the Holocaust Museum Falstad (deputy director Jon Reitan). Representatives of the respective institutions took part in the expert exchange in Slovakia, where they presented the history of Norwegian Holocaust, and the activities of their museums. The project partner accompanied them during their visits to the Holocaust Museum in Sereď and the Museum of Jewish Culture in Bratislava. In Norway, Slovak experts presented forms of education about the Holocaust in Slovakia, and discussed possible common projects. Furthermore, Slovak experts facilitated the cooperation between Norwegian partners involved in the education about the Holocaust and the Holocaust Museum Sereď.