Roma face prejudices, often extreme poverty and discrimination. In 2010 Romano Kher (Roma House) has started gathering documents related to Roma on website Information from the field of politics, science, culture, literature and media could be easily found there. The purpose is to publicly show that Roma in Slovakia have valuable own culture they want to keep and pass on to future generations. The gathered information is used by teachers, university students and journalists. The aim of the project is to intensively pursue in collection of existing data and documents from professionals and students, organize public debates and communicate with journalists on how to challenge the negative image of the Roma spread in the media. The project will contribute to the integration of Roma and to the development of a multi-ethnic society in Slovakia.
Summary of project results
The project was necessary for the strengthening the role and impact of the NGO in accordance with its mission – it was established by the initiative of Roma, for the purpose of shaping public opinion towards Roma, eliminating prejudices and stereotypes nourished in the society and for the intention of being a partner for all relevant cooperating organizations and institutions. Sustainability of this NGO is secured by the means of implementing new development strategy of the NGO, as well as ongoing networking activities with collaborating organizations and establishing network of expert fellows, and by various activities that raise partner organizations’ awareness and interests. The main aim of the project was to take a role of a mediator in relations with majority society and to provide sufficient amount of objective information in order to decrease prejudices and stereotypes towards Roma. Aims of the project were achieved by realizing a vast number of activities and by cooperation with dozens of organizations and many experts in the field. We performed complex content analyses of media articles; results were widely publicized and recommendations for journalist were prepared. On national level we organized roundtables on problems of education of children from socially deprived environment with the participation of deputies from the state ministry and institutions of nationwide scope. We have created Roma database available online; expanded the Roma internet encyclopedia; organized several exhibition of childrens’s art and photos; elaborated detailed strategic fundraising plan; we have involved volunteers in our projects – dozens of young people, especially from Roma communities; created and updated our Facebook page with more than 1.000 followers. Through our activities and improved propagation we draw attention of many education experts, students, journalists. The project contributed to better integration of Roma and development of multiethnic society in Slovakia
Summary of bilateral results