As a response to climate change and its impact on the society, the project aim is to address the use of rainwater for educational purposes as well as at practical level. The objective of the project is adaption to climate change, specifically flood and drought prevention and revitalization. The project will also increase public awareness relating to adaptation to climate change issues. The project will create a system of environmental education focused on climate change and rainwater. The curricula focused on the management of rainwater and climatic changes will be modified for the school education programme. The project's goals will be reached by newly created curricula and conducting lesson according to them. Students from different classes of the school will be involved in the project, and the teaching methods will ensure that this target group will influence the attitude of their parents and siblings outside the educational institution and thereby achieve a synergic effect.
Summary of project results
The project fulfilled the school’s long-term strategy of environmental protection by introducing environmental education into learning process. Installation of water tanks and plant greenery proved to be beneficial because of the link of practice with educational process. The main thing is that environmental protection worths in the long term and also brings financial benefits in the form of savings for water waste disposal system. In order to achieve the planned objectives we have created: We’ve installed water tanks to capture rainwater in the area of school. We’ve created curriculums and teaching mechanisms if environmental themes in individual subjects. Captured rainwater is used for irrigation of planted trees and other greenery. Activity 1 - Capturing rainwater: 4 water tanks installed, which capture rainwater from 80 percent of the school area. Activity 2 - Development of curricula for students in the field of environmental protection and climate change prevention: 4 packages of developed curriculums which were taught during the school year through 28 lessons. Activity 3 - Plant trees and revitalisation of school area: 3 types of trees - 4 specimens from every type (12 in total), planting of flowers, bushes and grass.
Summary of bilateral results