The project will focus on rainwater harvesting, recycling and reuse. It will involve children, parents, local communities and general public. The objective of the project is to increase public environmental awareness on adaptation to climate change issues. Through the project implementation increased volume of reused rainwater will be achieved as well as increased knowledge of children about climate change adaptation measures. The curricula focused on management of rainwater and climatic changes will be modified for the school education programme. Educational activities focused on environment will be organised. Children, students and civil services are expected to benefit from the project implementation.
Summary of project results
Thanks to the opportunity to implement this type of project, the school fulfilled its long-term strategy of environmental protection by introducing environmental education into curricula. Installation of water tanks and plant greenery proved to be beneficial because of the link of practice with educational process. The main thing is that environmental protection is important in the long term period and also brings financial benefits in the form of savings for water waste disposal system. In order to achieve the planned objectives we have created: We’ve installed water tanks to capture rainwater in the area of school. We’ve created curriculums and teaching mechanisms of environmental themes in individual subjects. Captured rainwater is used for irrigation of planted trees and other greenery. Activity 1 - Capturing rainwater: 4 water tanks installed, which ones capture rainwater from 80 percent of school area. Activity 2 - Development of curriculums for students in the field of environmental protection and climate change prevention: 4 packages of developed curriculums which ones were taught during the school year on 28 lessons. Activity 3 - Plant trees and revitalisation of school area: 3 types of trees - 4 pcs from every type: 12 pieces, plant of flowers, bushes and grass.
Summary of bilateral results