Due to a higher standard of living, better food, healthcare and the aging “baby boom” generation, the percentage of the elderly increases each year. Statistics say that by 2030 32% of the Slovenian population will be over 60 years old. The increasing percentage of elderly is an issue affecting the whole of Europe. Systemic solutions will need to incorporate all aspects, but in particular health and the social and economic aspect. Practice has shown that the users still living in their own homes, in addition to domestic care and social service, need and wish to benefit more from the following services in particular: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, health care and dietetics. In addition to the mentioned services, mass measurements of individuals over the age of 65 regarding their body characteristics, motor skills and functional abilities, physical activity and dietary habits will be implemented in the project. Intervention proposals to adapt their living environments will also be prepared. The Norwegian partner will primarily be involved in research and promotional activities. It’s main contribution will be design of intervention programmes intended to improve the physical efficiency and dietary habits of individuals over the age of 65 who still live in their homes. In the long-run the project hopes to initiate change at the local and national level and consequently contribute to the adoption of a specific law regulating long-term healthcare in the framework of public healthcare in Slovenia.
Summary of project results
Because of a significant increase in number of elderly population in the last years and their wish to establish new social contacts within their home environment in order to stay active, additional services are needed that can be carried out at home: ex. physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, nursing, speech pathology. Results were sustained by continuing intervention of physical activity (PA) programs for older adults and with embodied knowledge about daily routines of healthy ageing. The project was also based on clinical training students of health care professionals; Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy and Nurses in a specific environment as home based practice is. As most of the older housing is not adapted to specific needs that come with age, a special manual was published that assists all those who need to adapt the living environment. The project aimed to achieve a reduction in inequalities between different groups of the elderly, disabled and chronically ill people living at home, compared with the same groups that are installed in residential care. This was done by providing free activities of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, nursing, speech pathology and other at home. The main goal was also to introduce changes to the system of long-term care at the local and national level. In order to present the project to the professional and general public, conferences and other activities were done as a dissemination of positive results of the project. By adjusting the equipment in their homes, we enabled the elderly to remain in their own living environment as long as possible. Key results of the project: more than 900 users (age: 65+) involved in free activities of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, nursing, and speech pathology; more than 1500 users received individual info for better nutrition and physical health; 6 experts newly recruited and trained to work with users; participation of 10 teachers, 50 students of Medical Faculty and 93 elderly clients; 4 scientific articles published and 6 final thesis prepared; 40 students included through mandatory study practice; 115 interventions how to adapt living space accomplished; 17 roundtables to inform about healthy eating and exercise; several news items on webpage and articles published to inform about the project; conference at the end of the project. Benefit resulted in: better quality of life and mobility; performing of ADL -activities of daily living in better health condition; new knowledge and awareness rising of characteristics of healthy ageing.
Summary of bilateral results
The main achievement on a bilateral level was the collaboration with partners in the project in the case of sharing of the results which were achieved during the interventions. They improved their knowledge about home care for elderly is important for all the people, because this the way to make their elderness more qualitative. The bilateral funds did contribute to strengthened bilateral relations at the project because the donor partner has received all the results that were achieved during the project. They have discussed about all the measurements that have been introduced to older people. The main achievement of bilateral partnership was transfer of scientific and practical knowledge between project partners and to inform and raise awareness about shortcomings and potential possibilities in the national system (private and public institutions) responsible to provide care for older adults.