How the cultural background influences social responsibility

Project facts

Project promoter:
Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 45,819
The project is carried out in:


The summer school (intensive programme) is organised by a consortium of five institutions: Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana, Norwegian Business School, ISM University of Management and Economics from Lithuania, University of Economics in Prague - International School of Business and Management from Czech Republic and University Institute of Lisbon from Portugal. The purpose of the programme is to confront the students with the social responsibility issues and cultural differences and to raise awareness if cultural background influences social responsibility. Teaching staff will be jointly preparing the programme which will enable sharing experience, knowledge, know-how as well as technology. This will be a perfect opportunity to exchange views on teaching content and new curricula approaches. Last but not least, students and professors will discover the local culture as well as get an insight into new cultures and thinking processes from all participants. This is crucial for today’s source of creativity and development.

Summary of project results

The aim of the programme was to confront students with the social responsibility issues and cultural difference and to raise the awareness of how cultural background influences social responsibility. The teachers jointly prepared the course syllabus which enabled sharing experience, knowledge, and exchange views on teaching content and new curricula approaches. By receiving knowledge with the theory and practise in social responsibility and cross culture communication management, students became equipped with the awareness towards responsible behaviour in the workplace by finding ways to improve business in a profitable and sensible manner and to be able to identify actions to strengthen business, its reputation and performance. Students’ soft skills were improved, ranging from effective team building, analytical and communication techniques. Deliverd outputs were programme website, Facebook networking group, students’presentations and official certificates.

Summary of bilateral results

There was no specific technical contribution from the Norwegian partner (BI Norwegian), the professional contribution was the teaching staff that participated in the programme. Making this programme available to students and teaching staff from several partner universities had improved the quality of the lectured topics and increased the volume of students and teaching staff mobility throughout Europe. The programme had a multidisciplinary focus, providing students with in-depth insight and understanding of economic, political, social and cross-cultural consequences, all at the level of individual participating country as well as with the focus on the participating countries. During the programme, students and teachers worked together in multinational groups where team work is highly valued and appreciated as to improve knowledge and mutual understanding. The additional benefit of the programme was that it took place at the same time as the Ljubljana Summer School which was a great opportunity for broader networking and for research presentations (and discussions on future collaboration) by teachers at both programmes. Due to the good experience with the IP programme and the interest among students for the topic of the programme, a course on Corporate Social Responsibility will be organized /offered within the Ljubljana Summer School 2016.